- Transforming UK public procurement
- 2019 Rail franchising Litigation judgment – key points
- 2021: A year in the life of the rail industry
- A better understanding of life on the frontline
- A consultation fit for Britain's future?: The Rail Reform Bill
- A green future for modified rolling stock
- A new approach to franchising?
- All Change
- All in a good cause?
- Are PPE and social distancing costs recoverable under service contracts?
- Bradshaw address 2023: life breathed into GBR reform
- Brand new trains being pushed off-lease: implications and options for financiers
- Brexit - What should the railway industry be doing now?
- Brexit and the UK railways industry: So long and thanks for all the TSIs…
- Brexit is here: What does it mean for the rail industry?
- Brexit snapshot - Brexit and finance transactions
- Brexit: implications for rail rolling stock procurement, leasing and financing
- Can Covid-19 relieve an employer from its contract obligations?
- COVID-19: Force majeure in the rail industry
- Crossrail: complexities of large infrastructure projects
- Cyber-security in the rail industry
- Dealing with rail disputes - a series of top tips: (1)
- Decarbonisation of rail: The journey from concept to reality
- Delivering strategic projects in the rail industry: Digital signalling – a case study in how the industry should work?
- Delivering the future railway - What are the implications for rail's people?
- DfT plan to 'transform the railways for the better' released
- DfT Rolling Stock Perspective Policy paper
- Disputes under NEC
- Encouraging modal shift by making the railway attractive to passengers
- European Commission opens Phase II investigation into proposed acquisition of Alstom by Siemens
- Full steam ahead – Gutmann's collective action against train operating companies certified to proceed
- Funds for investment
- Future railway
- Future Shape and Financing of Network Rail; What Next for Network Rail?
- Getting Britain moving
- Getting Britain moving: A pensions perspective
- Getting Britain moving: How will nationalisation of the railways tie in with Labour's devolution agenda?
- Great Britain passenger rail: the current expected timetable
- Green financing and green technology in rail
- Happy new Regulations day! The 'Market Pillar' takes steps to open up the railways to competition
- High Court comprehensively rejects Bechtel’s procurement claims against HS2
- High speed rail – delivery of professional services to the high speed rail industry
- Identifying, supporting, growing and developing the next generation of female leaders in the UK rail and transport industry: top table dinner
- Innovation through data sharing
- Investing in the railway: a new approach?
- Keeping the railway moving: New legislation signals minimum services for passengers during strike action
- Labour's plan for rail
- Launch of Network Rail's Digital Strategy
- Mark Carne top table dinner – Network Rail Chief Executive: 10 Key points
- Media coverage: 'Brexit': no rush for change
- Media coverage: Passenger Transport Magazine - End of the line for the private sector?
- Media coverage: RAIL - The legal side of dealing with train disruptions
- Media coverage: Rail Professional - Get on board with the risks of ERTMS
- Media coverage: Railway Strategies - Customer satisfaction
- Media coverage: Railway Strategies - Liberalising European railways
- Media coverage: Railway Strategies - Obituary: Colour light signals (1920 – 2014)
- Media coverage: Railway Strategies – Opportunities for rail in Qatar - a goal-den opportunity?
- Media coverage: RFG news - Signalling: proceed with caution
- Mental health and the rail industry
- New entrants are tasting success in financing rolling stock
- New year, new direction?
- New-build rolling stock in the Brexit era
- On the right track?
- On track towards an integrated railway?
- On track: an update from the Stephenson Harwood rail team
- Passenger rights: all change?
- Peer review – fares reform article by Anthony Smith, CEO of Transport Focus (abridged version of piece originally published in Rail Review)
- Placing customers ‘at the heart’ of the industry: technology
- Policies and targets for decarbonisation of the railway
- Putting the “AI” in rail: How will AI impact the rail industry and its employers?
- Rail and urban transport review: "grasping the moment" and creating "a major paradigm shift"
- Rail franchising: 10 key points from the top table dinner
- Rail franchising: the balance between risk and reward
- Rail private investment – Key points from the DfT and ORR's new call for investors
- Rail reform – What does it mean for freight and open access operations?
- Rail survey report: What are the key issues facing your business?
- Rail team update: October 2020
- Rail-tech and data protection
- Rail: a round-up of 2019 and looking forward to 2020
- RailTech: Top tips for the future railway
- Railway collective action: Ticketing, zonal fares and large claims
- Railways - Procurement regulation for train operators post Brexit
- Renationalisation – the railway
- Rob Brighouse dinner – East West Railway: 10 Key points
- Settling the score
- Signal change
- Signalling the way forward: What the Hitachi and Thales provisional merger decision could mean to the rail industry in the UK
- Smart-ticketing – staying 'smart'
- Stay on track: Cybersecurity risks in the rail sector
- Stephenson Harwood rail industry market research: the final report!
- Stephenson Harwood rail industry market research: the results are in!
- Stephenson Harwood rail team advises key client CAF on its €500 million contracts for a new train fleet
- Supreme Court judgment in Merricks opens the door for other collective actions such as Gutmann
- SWIFT top table dinner on the Imposter Syndrome - Top 10 points from the dinner
- The Fourth Railway Package: a fair balance?
- The green-tech debate; how hydrogen and battery powered energy are driving a sustainable future
- The new normal of a post-lockdown environment
- The rail industry in the post #MeToo era: what should rail operators be doing?
- The rolling stock finance revolution
- Top 10 takeaways from our top table dinner: Williams-Shapps from report to implementation: modernising the railway and delivering decarbonisation
- Top table dinner: third party funding and financing in the railway industry - 10 things we learned
- Top table dinner: Williams-Shapps from report to implementation: Structural reform – what does it mean?
- Top table lunch: In conversation with Juergen Maier CBE – Top 10 takeaways
- Transportation and trade newsletter
- Transportation and trade newsletter - DEI
- Transportation and trade newsletter - Transportation finance
- UK Public Procurement Reform – the Government's response to public consultation
- Waterloo sunrise (with patchy cloud): the railway and the Retained EU Law (Revocation & Reform) Act 2023
- Waterloo sunset
- Webinar - Decarbonisation of rail: The journey from concept to reality
- What impact would a no-deal Brexit have on rail finance?
- What is the future for rail operating contracts?
- What role can rail play in achieving COP26's objectives?
- What will Nationalisation of the Railways mean for Passenger and Freight Operators?
- Who is the future customer of the railway? Top 10 takeaways from our top table dinner
- Williams and the pandemic: what next for the railway?
- Williams Rail Review update 2 - objectives, structure, devolution and the supply chain
- Williams Rail Review update 3 - freight, “metroisation” and “radical” reform
- Williams Rail Review update 4 - RDG calls for "generational upgrade", while passengers tell Williams that travelling is the luck of the draw
- Williams Rail Review update 5 - who wants what? A summary of key themes
- Williams Rail Review – where are we now?
- Williams – the future?
- Williams – This time it'll be "Great"...
- Williams-Shapps: delivering the future railway - How do we modernise the railway and deliver decarbonisation?
- Williams-Shapps: delivering the future railway - Non-franchised users of the network – how about freight, open access and devolved authorities?
- Williams-Shapps: delivering the future railway - Rebuilding passenger confidence – what is the offering?
- Williams-Shapps: delivering the future railway - Structural reform – what does it mean?
- Williams-Shapps: delivering the future railway - What are the implications for rail's people?
- Chambers UK 2022
- Stephenson Harwood advises Abellio on £3.3 billion franchise
- Stephenson Harwood advises CAF on €90 million project for new trams in Birmingham
- Stephenson Harwood advises on acquisition of Arriva plc
- Stephenson Harwood advises SGP as borrower on €1 billion loan for Grand Paris Express transport network
- Stephenson Harwood appointed to Crown Commercial Service Legal Panel
- Stephenson Harwood named ‘Transport: Firm of the Year’ by The Legal 500 UK 2020
- Strategic considerations for handling disputes
- The Legal 500 UK 2022
- Ron Nobbs
- Paul Thwaite
- Graeme Barton
- Ian Benjamin
- Catriona Berman
- Simon Bollans
- Rebecca Carter
- Jonathan Cripps
- Darren Fodey
- Marta Isabel Garcia
- Paul Hayward-Surry
- Katie Hewson
- Charlotte Heywood
- Anne Pritam
- Stephen Richards
- Tammy Samuel
- Suzanne Tarplee
- Lisa Marks
- Naeem Noor
- Michael Barron
- Serena Foulkes
- James Hammond
- Phil Harris
- Caroline Hooton
- Richard Pike
- Amy Steenson
- Sarah Wotton
- Bobbie Bickerton
- Jenna Plush
- Philip Powell
- Stephanie Sagar